Meditate With Max

Audio Meditation:


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Audio Meditation:


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Kickstart Your Home Meditation Practice

Kickstart Your Home Meditation Practice: A beginners guide to the theory and practice of a simple, non-religious meditation routine.

This guide lays the foundation for a straight-forward, daily meditation practice. It is designed for those with little-to-no meditation experience, however, many of the resources will help those who have tried meditation in the past, but have been unable to establish a successful routine. Meditation can provide all of us with enormous benefits, from improved concentration and reduced stressed to the cultivation of gratitude and compassion. This guide will lead you through the first steps on that path. 32 pages.

I believe strongly that everyone should have access to the benefits of meditation, so this guide is pay-what-you-want. Your purchase supports me and my writing, and I greatly appreciate whatever your budget allows. A typical price for this guide would be $10-15, about the cost of a yoga class.

Click here to read the introduction!

Office Mindfulness

I founded Office Mindfulness, LLC, where I currently offer meditation classes for offices in Portland. If you’d like to see meditation or other wellness offerings at your office, or have any other questions, feel free to contact me directly.

Group Meditation

If you have another venue or event where you’d like to host a meditation session, I’d love to hear from you as well. I currently don’t have a regular class which is open to the public, but I’m looking for a good space in NE Portland. Check back in soon or sign up for my mailing list!

Personal Coaching

Need a 1:1 session to talk about mindfulness, writing, or pursuing your loftiest dreams? Let’s talk. We’ll grab coffee for an hour, get a sense of what you’re working on, and see if I’m a good fit for continuing the conversation with you. No kind of obligations, payments, or strings attached. I want to hear your story.


I am a reiki practitioner, and am available for in-person sessions in the Portland, OR area. Shoot me an email if that interests you.

Meditate with Max!


I’d love to hear from you!

Questions, comments, complaints and suggestions are all welcome.


Max Calabro headshot

Hi! I’m Max.

I am a writer and mindfulness coach living in Portland, OR. I am committed to living a full and passionate life, and to exploring the world inside and outside my own skin.

I hope you find something valuable to you here. Unless otherwise credited, everything here is something I’ve made: audio meditations, e-guides, and blog posts. I have mixed feelings about social media and the interwebs in general, but if you do find something, I hope you will share it with someone who may find value in it as well.

I love to write, and try to do so every day (and fail a lot). I’ve also had a lot of experiences in my life that have taught me how to be happy and present in our bizarre world. I’ve spent a lot of time and energy trying to find conventional success while living my values, and a lot of time doing my own thing. Some things have worked, some haven’t.

My goal is to share those with you, and learn from your experiences as well.


Beautiful air

My name is Max Calabro.

What is the purpose of an about page? Perhaps you are wondering who could have crafted such a masterpiece of a website. That is me. Here is “ABOUT.” About must be in third-person.

Max is a beautiful human from the great state of Vermont. He has lived in the Pacific Northwest for the last decade, enjoying the splendor of volcanos, forests, and coasts. He currently resides in Portland, where he writes, teaches meditation, and practices taking things not too seriously. His life is a dream.

Max writes about the things he loves the most: being a calm and sensitive human, becoming empowered in this wacky and stressful world, and finding ways to love life for the short time we’re here. He wants to live better and more fully, and strives to inspire you to do the same.

Max updates his blog regularly (oops! not always…), and would always love to hear your thoughts on it. He has published a short e-guide on basic meditation, and has more on the way. He has also written a full-length book that is gently plinko-ing its way through the publishing process.

Max is the founder of Office Mindfulness, LLC, which brings meditation and other mindful practices to offices around Portland. If you would like to find out more or have questions about mindfulness in offices (Perhaps: “WTF??”, “What is Mindfulness?”, or “When can you start?”), please feel free to contact Max.

In his free time, Max teaches outdoor education, paints, rock climbs, and bikes endlessly. He is biking right now. He loves fresh food, yoga, and other things that are healthy. Max is quite social and enjoys the friendly atmosphere in this fine Oregon town. If you see him, be sure to say “HEY MAX!”